Michel Montreuil
General Information

Pilot ID: 115
Name: Michel Montreuil
Rank: Senior Captain
Crew Base: YUL
Date of Hire: May 6th, 2010
From: CanadaCA
Status: Terminated
Flight Information

VAC Hours: 4472.7
Transfer Hours: 1547.0
Total Hours: 6019.7
Total Flights: 1334
Fav. Aircraft: 320 (299 flights)
Passengers: 165428
Avg. Landing: -236.28 fpm

Regional First Officer: N/A
Regional Captain: N/A
Narrow-body First Officer: N/A
Narrow-body Captain: N/A
Wide-body Relief Pilot: N/A
Wide-body First Officer: N/A
Wide-body Captain: N/A
Senior Captain: N/A

Hat   Bars

Service Pins

6 Years of Service
Active VAC pilot for over 6 years.
Award of Recognition
For noteworthy contributions to VAC.
2000 Flight Hours
Have over 2000 hours in your logbook.
300 Flights Completed
Complete 300 flights as a VAC pilot.
Legendary Landing
Achieve touchdown at less than 20 feet per minute.
50000 Passengers Award
Transport 50000 passengers as a VAC pilot.
Pilot Logbook

Date Flight # From To Equip. Fin Reg. Pax. Landing Time
04/24/2013 VAC 8926 YYZ YQB DH4 403 C-GGOK 69 -13.2 fpm 1.6
04/23/2013 VAC 8903 JFK YYZ DH4 407 C-GGNY 66 -174.0 fpm 1.4
04/22/2013 VAC 8906 YYZ JFK DH4 406 C-GGNZ 73 -127.4 fpm 1.7
04/21/2013 VAC 8536 YQT YYZ DH4 413 C-GGMQ 74 -119.1 fpm 1.9
04/21/2013 VAC 7833 YYZ YTS DH4 406 C-GGNZ 57 -313.6 fpm 0.2
04/20/2013 VAC 8939 YQM YYZ DH4 401 C-GGOY 74 -178.5 fpm 2.5
04/20/2013 VAC 8938 YYZ YQM DH4 401 C-GGOY 65 -28.7 fpm 1.4
04/20/2013 VAC 7826 YTS YYZ DH4 408 C-GGNW 74 -52.1 fpm 1.3
04/20/2013 VAC 7825 YYZ YTS DH4 408 C-GGNW 52 N/A 1.4
04/19/2013 VAC 405 YUL YYZ 320 405 C-FDCA 140 -145.6 fpm 0.9
04/19/2013 VAC 112 YVR YUL 321 458 C-GJWI 174 -405.5 fpm 4.6
04/18/2013 VAC 109 YYZ YVR 321 455 C-GIUF 144 -197.2 fpm 4.8
04/16/2013 VAC 7385 BOS YYZ E75 377 C-FEJL 70 N/A 1.8
04/15/2013 VAC 7388 YYZ BOS E75 376 C-FEJF 56 -162.8 fpm 1.4
04/15/2013 VAC 790 LAX YYZ 320 240 C-FZQS 114 -274.0 fpm 5.1
04/14/2013 VAC 793 YYZ LAX 321 456 C-GJVX 146 -174.1 fpm 5.5
04/14/2013 VAC 617 YHZ YYZ 763 692 C-GHPN 185 N/A 2.4
04/13/2013 VAC 655 YYT YHZ E75 374 C-FEJC 36 N/A 1.6
04/13/2013 VAC 652 YHZ YYT E75 380 C-FEKD 65 -108.0 fpm 1.6
04/13/2013 VAC 670 YUL YHZ 319 268 C-GAQL 110 -316.3 fpm 1.4

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Flight Map