Arvid Hansson
General Information

Pilot ID: 022053
Name: Arvid Hansson
Rank: Senior Captain
Crew Base: YYZ
Date of Hire: July 8th, 2012
From: SwedenSE
Status: Active
Flight Information

VAC Hours: 984.3
Transfer Hours: 50.0
Total Hours: 1034.3
Total Flights: 308
Fav. Aircraft: 320 (56 flights)
Passengers: 40009
Avg. Landing: -194.25 fpm

Regional First Officer: N/A
Regional Captain: N/A
Narrow-body First Officer: N/A
Narrow-body Captain: N/A
Wide-body Relief Pilot: 10/27/2012
Wide-body First Officer: 02/15/2013
Wide-body Captain: 02/09/2014
Senior Captain: 10/02/2018

Hat   Bars

Service Pins

6 Years of Service
Active VAC pilot for over 6 years.
1000 Flight Hours
Have over 1000 hours in your logbook.
300 Flights Completed
Complete 300 flights as a VAC pilot.
Legendary Landing
Achieve touchdown at less than 20 feet per minute.
10000 Passengers Award
Transport 10000 passengers as a VAC pilot.
Pilot Logbook

Date Flight # From To Equip. Fin Reg. Pax. Landing Time
04/22/2013 VAC 757 YYZ SFO 320 215 C-FTJQ 91 -378.7 fpm 4.8
03/30/2013 VAC 417 YUL YYZ 763 684 C-FCAG 178 -221.9 fpm 1.1
02/19/2013 VAC 402 YYZ YUL 320 408 C-FLSS 47 -74.1 fpm 0.9
02/17/2013 VAC 16 HKG YYZ 77L 702 C-FIUF 257 -254.9 fpm 15.6
02/16/2013 VAC 15 YYZ HKG 77L 703 C-FIUJ 220 -216.6 fpm 14.8
02/16/2013 VAC 146 YYC YYZ 320 232 C-FMSX 146 -162.6 fpm 3.8
02/15/2013 VAC 107 YYZ YYC 320 206 C-FDSN 146 -342.6 fpm 4.0
02/14/2013 VAC 877 FRA YYZ 77W 733 C-FITW 112 -185.6 fpm 8.4
02/09/2013 VAC 872 YYZ FRA 77W 733 C-FITW 179 -73.3 fpm 7.7
01/19/2013 VAC 7758 YQG YYZ DH4 413 C-GGMQ 71 N/A 1.1
01/19/2013 VAC 7757 YYZ YQG DH4 413 C-GGMQ 46 N/A 1.3
01/14/2013 VAC 361 BOS YYZ E75 373 C-FEJB 53 -58.7 fpm 1.7
01/13/2013 VAC 354 YYZ BOS 320 238 C-FZUB 146 -308.0 fpm 1.3
12/22/2012 VAC 903 TPA YYZ 320 214 C-FTJP 146 -309.6 fpm 2.6
11/20/2012 VAC 902 YYZ TPA 320 416 C-FNVV 119 -217.4 fpm 3.0
11/04/2012 VAC 345 PHL YYZ E75 380 C-FEKD 32 -90.5 fpm 1.2
11/04/2012 VAC 340 YYZ PHL E75 371 C-FEIQ 67 -100.2 fpm 1.2
11/02/2012 VAC 846 YYZ MUC 763 660 C-GHLU 211 -233.5 fpm 8.0
10/30/2012 VAC 857 LHR YYZ 333 935 C-GHKR 232 -350.4 fpm 7.9
10/29/2012 VAC 856 YYZ LHR 333 936 C-GHKW 246 -239.6 fpm 7.4

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