Terms & Conditions
As a member of VAC, the member agrees to be bound and abide by the Terms and Conditions as outlined on the website. Any subsequent changes may also be emailed to all members. Violations of the policies may result in a probationary period, a temporary suspension, or termination of the members account.
myVAC Login Information
The VAC username and password provided to you is your exclusive VAC membership identification. You may not give permission or knowingly allow your username or password to be used by anyone else.Members must use their full name when registering. Incomplete, incorrect or misleading information may result in account termination.
You may register for and hold only one VAC registration.
All members must provide a valid email address. If your email address changes, you can use the online form under the HR tab of myVAC to modify your email address in the VAC database. The form will ask you to select your name, password and new email address. If your password is correct, the database will be updated and a confirmation email will be sent to your new email address. You can find this feature in your logbook. If you require assistance, please contact the Executive Vice President & Chief Human Resources Officer. Accounts with invalid email addresses will be removed at management's discretion.
If you want to modify your password, an online form under the HR tab of myVAC must be filled out. The form will ask you to select your name, enter your current password and new password. If the information provided matches the VAC database, your password will be updated. If you require assistance, please contact the Executive Vice President, & Chief Human Resources Officer.
Account Procedures
All pilots must fly at least one flight within the first 14 days of successful completion of registration. You may request a leave of absence of up to 6 months; however, active pilots must file a flight every 60 days. Active Pilots who do not comply with this rule will automatically be removed from the roster unless a request for Leave of Absence (LOA) is filed. You can use this feature via your logbook. If you require assistance, please contact the Executive Vice President & Chief Human Resources Officer.All flights must contain a valid VAC flight as assigned by the scheduling system on the website. Flights not in this system will be rejected and removed after filing.
Flight Reports will be added to the database and be sent to your Senior Base Director for review. Pilots who submit false flight reports may have their entire log wiped clean, be under suspended status, or terminated. Any pilots who fly routes that are not authorized will have their flight reports rejected.
Each pilot is only permitted to submit a flight report for the type of aircraft for which they have been certified. Any flight reports for uncertified aircraft will be rejected, and repeated offences may lead to the pilot's logbook wiped clean, be under suspended status or even termination of membership.
The use of VACARS in conjunction with other virtual airline's ACARS system is strictly prohibited. The flight record will be removed and status of the member automatically set to suspension pending review from the management team.
VAC uses a flight tracking program that displays actual aircraft type operated on your system. If a violation is detected, the member will be given a warning and flight assignment will be removed by our management team. It is imperative that you operate the aircraft type you bid for.
All new members must read and comply with the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs).
General Policy
VAC registration is open for membership to all individuals thirteen (13) years and older. Individuals younger than 13 must provide written consent from a parent or guardian. Accounts of individuals under 13 years of age without parental consent will be immediately suspended until such consent is provided.Membership is open to all individuals regardless of race, color, religion, creed, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, ancestry, veteran status, disability, genetic information, military service, or other protected status.
When flying online (ex. VATSIM Network), it is a requirement to use the flight number assigned for the flight. Ex: ACA151, ROU1812 or JZA8328 and indicate in the Pilot's Remark that you are a member of VAC and website address: www.vacanada.org.
VAC is a non-profit organization and does not charge any fees to apply for or to retain membership in the organization. No member of VAC may request money or charge fees as a prerequisite to offering any assistance or product. In addition, no member is permitted to resell or make any commercial or non-commercial use of the VAC website or forums.
VAC management reserves the right to temporarily suspend or terminate an individual's membership from the organization without notification if certain rules have been violated. The member may appeal the suspension or termination to the Executive Committee, whose decision shall be final. The offending member will have the right to review the written report submitted by the Director of Hub Operations, and provide a written response to management within 30 days.
The prohibitions set forth in this paragraph expressly include any and all sales and/or solicitations of money, goods and services no matter for what purpose, person, group or cause, without limitation. Members violating these rules will be subject to immediate termination from VAC.
VAC management reserves the right to temporarily suspend or terminate an individual's membership from the organization without notification if certain rules have been violated. The member may appeal the suspension or termination to the Executive Committee, whose decision shall be final. The member will have the right to review the written report submitted by the Senior Base Manager, and provide a written response to the Executive Vice President & Chief Human Resources Officer within 30 days.
The general code of conduct reflects on the way VAC expects its members to behave as a member of the organization. Repeated failure to follow the code of conduct may result in suspension, and eventually termination of the members account.
Members who are new to the hobby or are otherwise unfamiliar with virtual airlines should well inform themselves by downloading the educational material provided on the VAC website, joining the forum, asking questions of management, or otherwise researching information on their own. This is mandatory before representing VAC on any third party website such as VATSIM.
Members should, at all times, be courteous and respectful to one another. Bashing of other members is strictly prohibited. Threatening or harassing any member will result in immediate suspension or termination of the member's account.
VAC management continuously monitors the organization's official channels (Forums, Discord, Facebook groups, etc.) for compliance of these terms and conditions. Any deviation from the terms and conditions may result in member suspension or termination.
Members represent the VAC community at all times when visiting other sites on the internet. Members should not undertake any action to bring harm to the reputation of VAC, including, but not limited to misrepresenting yourself to another organization, breaking the rules and guidelines of another organization, or making derogatory statements about VAC. Violators will have their membership immediately revoked.