Charles Earl
General Information

Pilot ID: 039764
Name: Charles Earl
Rank: Senior Captain
Crew Base: YYZ
Date of Hire: June 6th, 2016
From: CanadaCA
Status: Active
Flight Information

VAC Hours: 4378.4
Transfer Hours: 0.0
Total Hours: 4378.4
Total Flights: 933
Fav. Aircraft: 320 (550 flights)
Passengers: 153351
Avg. Landing: -288.54 fpm

Regional First Officer: N/A
Regional Captain: 06/08/2016
Narrow-body First Officer: 06/11/2016
Narrow-body Captain: 06/13/2016
Wide-body Relief Pilot: 06/19/2016
Wide-body First Officer: 07/11/2016
Wide-body Captain: 08/12/2016
Senior Captain: 11/27/2016

Hat   Bars

Service Pins

Award of Recognition
For noteworthy contributions to VAC.
6 Years of Service
Active VAC pilot for over 6 years.
2000 Flight Hours
Have over 2000 hours in your logbook.
300 Flights Completed
Complete 300 flights as a VAC pilot.
Legendary Landing
Achieve touchdown at less than 20 feet per minute.
50000 Passengers Award
Transport 50000 passengers as a VAC pilot.
Pilot Logbook

Date Flight # From To Equip. Fin Reg. Pax. Landing Time
11/24/2016 VAC 31 YYZ PEK 77W 733 C-FITW 343 -171.4 fpm 13.5
10/20/2016 VAC 869 LHR YYZ 77W 742 C-FIVS 183 -112.2 fpm 8.1
10/19/2016 VAC 858 YYZ LHR 77W 737 C-FIUW 340 -205.6 fpm 6.7
10/16/2016 VAC 667 YYT YYZ 320 218 C-FGYL 146 -271.3 fpm 3.6
10/15/2016 VAC 696 YYZ YYT 320 206 C-FDSN 145 -271.3 fpm 3.0
10/15/2016 VAC 88 PVG YYZ 77W 737 C-FIUW 248 -100.2 fpm 13.6
10/12/2016 VAC 87 YYZ PVG 77W 734 C-FIUL 314 -128.6 fpm 14.1
10/12/2016 VAC 1136 YVR YYZ 77W 739 C-FRAM 297 -93.8 fpm 4.2
10/10/2016 VAC 26 PVG YVR 77W 731 C-FITL 281 -314.6 fpm 10.3
10/05/2016 VAC 87 YYZ PVG 77W 741 C-FIVR 258 -258.9 fpm 14.2
10/04/2016 VAC 202 YVR YYC 320 206 C-FDSN 146 -205.9 fpm 1.3
10/03/2016 VAC 105 YYZ YVR 77W 747 C-FNNW 147 -136.9 fpm 4.8
09/29/2016 VAC 6 HND YYZ 77W 739 C-FRAM 307 -110.7 fpm 11.7
09/28/2016 VAC 5 YYZ HND 77W 747 C-FNNW 349 -367.5 fpm 12.5
09/26/2016 VAC 88 PVG YYZ 77W 739 C-FRAM 193 -106.8 fpm 13.6
09/25/2016 VAC 87 YYZ PVG 77W 734 C-FIUL 295 -231.6 fpm 14.1
09/21/2016 VAC 88 PVG YYZ 77W 741 C-FIVR 267 -205.3 fpm 13.2
09/19/2016 VAC 87 YYZ PVG 77W 740 C-FIVQ 344 -197.0 fpm 13.8
09/18/2016 VAC 6 HND YYZ 77W 740 C-FIVQ 241 -120.3 fpm 11.6
09/15/2016 VAC 5 YYZ HND 77W 734 C-FIUL 305 -397.8 fpm 12.8

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Flight Map