VAC042031 - Dean Carlson

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About VAC042031 - Dean Carlson

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  • Birthday December 24

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  1. Hi again.... just wondering if you have any relations to a Gibson Howard Smith?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. VAC040237 - Caleb Smith

      VAC040237 - Caleb Smith

      I am from BC and I don't believe I am related to anyone on that side of Canada, sorry

    3. VAC042031 - Dean Carlson

      VAC042031 - Dean Carlson

      ok thanks sorry to bug.... I'm at work and you are flying.

    4. VAC040237 - Caleb Smith

      VAC040237 - Caleb Smith

      No problem, I'm always around to help, just let me know when you have tried to reinstall it and let me know what the results are and we will go from there. I have a second install of FSX I can use to test your issue if a reinstall does not work.