Vince Amato
General Information

Pilot ID: 044107
Name: Vince Amato
Rank: Senior Captain
Crew Base: YUL
Date of Hire: March 20th, 2020
From: CanadaCA
Status: Active
Flight Information

VAC Hours: 1109.4
Transfer Hours: 0.0
Total Hours: 1109.4
Total Flights: 331
Fav. Aircraft: 320 (107 flights)
Passengers: 47749
Avg. Landing: -339.66 fpm

Regional First Officer: N/A
Regional Captain: 04/10/2020
Narrow-body First Officer: 04/14/2020
Narrow-body Captain: 04/21/2020
Wide-body Relief Pilot: 05/29/2020
Wide-body First Officer: 06/28/2020
Wide-body Captain: 01/23/2021
Senior Captain: 03/06/2023

Hat   Bars

Service Pins

4 Years of Service
Active VAC pilot for over 4 years.
1000 Flight Hours
Have over 1000 hours in your logbook.
300 Flights Completed
Complete 300 flights as a VAC pilot.
Legendary Landing
Achieve touchdown at less than 20 feet per minute.
10000 Passengers Award
Transport 10000 passengers as a VAC pilot.
Pilot Logbook

Date Flight # From To Equip. Fin Reg. Pax. Landing Time
03/28/2024 VAC 765 BOS YYZ 320 236 C-GKOD 143 -419.3 fpm 1.8
03/22/2024 VAC 748 YUL BOS 320 226 C-FKOJ 61 -310.1 fpm 1.3
03/10/2024 VAC 336 YEG YUL 320 225 C-FKPT 136 -353.2 fpm 3.9
03/10/2024 VAC 331 YUL YEG 320 226 C-FKOJ 146 -598.7 fpm 4.7
03/09/2024 VAC 1207 MIA YUL 320 240 C-FZQS 146 -538.6 fpm 3.6
02/24/2024 VAC 1206 YUL MIA 7M8 511 C-FSJH 149 -348.1 fpm 4.1
02/17/2024 VAC 923 MBJ YUL 7M8 529 C-GELJ 166 -273.8 fpm 4.3
02/11/2024 VAC 328 YYC YUL 7M8 523 C-GEIV 148 -371.7 fpm 4.1
01/27/2024 VAC 1713 YUL MSY 320 245 C-GFCP 159 -218.3 fpm 4.2
01/26/2024 VAC 372 YWG YUL 320 405 C-FDCA 137 -207.6 fpm 2.9
01/20/2024 VAC 518 HNL YVR 7M8 511 C-FSJH 146 -293.6 fpm 5.7
01/05/2024 VAC 1093 YYZ SAN 7M8 535 C-GEPF 130 -358.3 fpm 5.6
01/01/2024 VAC 405 YUL YYZ 7M8 538 C-GMIQ 135 -410.2 fpm 1.5
12/30/2023 VAC 823 BCN YUL 788 807 C-GHQQ 186 -446.6 fpm 8.0
12/27/2023 VAC 808 YYZ AMS 788 807 C-GHQQ 251 -464.6 fpm 7.0
12/26/2023 VAC 270 YWG YYZ 7M8 516 C-FSNU 169 -320.2 fpm 2.8
12/26/2023 VAC 371 YUL YWG 7M8 535 C-GEPF 167 -353.4 fpm 2.9
12/23/2023 VAC 760 SFO YUL 7M8 514 C-FSLU 148 -340.0 fpm 5.4
12/23/2023 VAC 566 YVR SFO 7M8 514 C-FSLU 71 -167.3 fpm 2.5
12/22/2023 VAC 273 YLW YVR 7M8 530 C-GELQ 169 -297.6 fpm 0.9

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Flight Map